Hello! My name is Heidi Good Swiacki. I have been married to Steve for 25 years, which has been filled with laughter, trust and love. We have 2 great kids, Ashton 22 and Chris 16. I have ALS, aka Lou Gehrigs Disease. I was officially diagnosed March '05, I was just turning 45. This blog will be about a myriad of topics. I will share my ALS story which will hopefully encourage others. It will show that quality of life comes in many forms. I have to tell you up front that there will be some spiritual references. Don't be afraid or turned off by that. Since I have had ALS I have seen many miracles. Let's be realistic, who can be a happy, non-verbal,ventilated quadriplegic without Faith? I hope you will join me and make this an interesting, educational, inspirational forum. Humor and the ability to enjoy life is required! :)

Heidi passed away 3-25-13 :(

August 4, 2013

Hello, Steve here. To help with the healing process, I am going to continue on with Heidi's blog, primarily talking about our lives and how we as a family are learning to live on with Heidi's memories pushing us forward. Topics covered will be geared towards the affects ALS has on loved ones.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Since the announcement by the D.A.'s office, there have been so many comments pertaining to ALS and how inhumane California law is regarding one's choice to take there own life given certain medical conditions. It is not that I disagree with this however this has no bearing on Heidi.

Many have talked about it was a mercy killing or Heidi asked that the plug be pulled.

I can assure anyone who is reading this blog, Heidi had no desire to end  her life, she had her bucket list and it was not completed. She was alive, smiling, laughing and could still light up the room with her wit.

So please, don't think Heidi wanted to end  her life. She felt it was in God's hands to take her when ready.

Unfortunately, the police don't believe this was an act of god.


  1. I'm seeing an incredible number of misguided comments on news sites about this. People really need to know.
