Hello! My name is Heidi Good Swiacki. I have been married to Steve for 25 years, which has been filled with laughter, trust and love. We have 2 great kids, Ashton 22 and Chris 16. I have ALS, aka Lou Gehrigs Disease. I was officially diagnosed March '05, I was just turning 45. This blog will be about a myriad of topics. I will share my ALS story which will hopefully encourage others. It will show that quality of life comes in many forms. I have to tell you up front that there will be some spiritual references. Don't be afraid or turned off by that. Since I have had ALS I have seen many miracles. Let's be realistic, who can be a happy, non-verbal,ventilated quadriplegic without Faith? I hope you will join me and make this an interesting, educational, inspirational forum. Humor and the ability to enjoy life is required! :)

Heidi passed away 3-25-13 :(

August 4, 2013

Hello, Steve here. To help with the healing process, I am going to continue on with Heidi's blog, primarily talking about our lives and how we as a family are learning to live on with Heidi's memories pushing us forward. Topics covered will be geared towards the affects ALS has on loved ones.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Heidi, today was always your special day, we miss your smile, hugs and warmth that only mama can give

Happy Mothers. Every day you are my wife, the mother of our children is another day I am blessed. Every day you are my wife, I think about the word forever that is engraved on the ring you gave me.

For every day I thank the lord I can wake-up and say good morning to you
Other, there is no other person who compares to you
Realize who I have as a wife and mother and realize how lucky we are to have you
Easy it is to love you by the way you are
Vivacious in your approach to life
Enjoy your smile and laughter, when you laugh it makes me well up inside
Reason our children are the way they are. We are so good together, but you are the rock

M stands for Matriarch. The one who leads the family 
O stands for Omnipresent; whose influence in her family is everywhere   

T stands for Teacher; The one who by example teaches love, compassion and knowledge 
H stands for Home, A mothers touch makes it more than a roof over our head. It’s home 
E stands for Effulgence; A brightness; radiance or splendor that you bring to our lives 
R stands for Rock; The foundation that our family builds on. Our stable influence

That’s what mother’s day means to me.

Love your hubby.

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