Heidi, it will be 2 years today that you took your last breath. It is so hard to believe that we have been without you this long. I have said this with every blog, it is harder to understand the mystery behind your death. I think back to 2:30 in the afternoon on 2013 when Chris called me crying to tell me you were dead. Our lives changed forever that day and set in motion a series of events that are still going. The investigation into your death. I am still in shock over what transpired that day and the following day when the police forcibly removed us from our home to preserve evidence.
On the 2 year anniversary of your passing, I had hoped we would be remembering the happier times when we were lucky enough to have you as our rock, but it is tainted by the investigation. It is tainted that the kids want nothing to do with your mother. She was such an important part of our lives as the kids grew, what happened? It is such a shame, she should be with us today.
To remember you, we are going to your favorite beach today to spread some of your ashes. I think we are going to go to the places you enjoyed most each year. Next year will be Boston.